Thoughtful reviews to engage with.

Our team of writers put a lot of time and energy into ensuring readers find value in the reviews we publish. Whether it’s 100 words long or 1000, our non-spoiler reviews are more than just summeries of entertainment. They’re written to authentically share our film, TV, or other entertainment experience with our readers and maybe even generate meaningful conversation out of it. So engage with us! We strongly encourage leaving comments on reviews and articles you connect with.

Transparent opinions based on 6 categories.

For an even faster breakdown of our thoughts on films, we've established 6 categories that we rate each movie by. The categories are acting and casting, visual effects and editing, story and message, entertainment value, music score and soundtrack, and reviewer's preference. Each category can be assigned 0, 1, or 2 points, and the culmination of each category's score determines the movie's score meter.

Easy at-a-glance movie score meter

Once the reviewer assigns a score for the above categories and tallies the total, it is then reflected on the score meter placed at the top of the review. As the maximum number of points would indicate, the score slider can rest along 12 places on the meter, presenting readers with an easy overview of the written review and the category scoring.